EdTech in Africa

Take a look at the summary of the analytical report by Otraconsulting
General information on countries
1.1 Population
1.2 Demographics
1.3 Large administrative centers
1.4 Internet penetration in countries
Public administration system
2.1 General principle of governance - federation, republic, municipalities

2.2 Dates of the next elections or the expiration of the powers of the current leadership of the country
Public administration system
2.1 General principle of governance - federation, republic, municipalities

2.2 Dates of the next elections or the expiration of the powers of the current leadership of the country
Public administration system
3.1 Total figures for the education system: how many teachers, students by education system — pre-school, primary, secondary, higher, universities

3.2 Organizational structure of education in the country (general education system, professional education system, additional education)

3.3 Description of the private education system in the country and the size of the market. Differences from the state, strengths and weaknesses, what is the regulation of private schools
Public administration system
3.1 Total figures for the education system: how many teachers, students by education system — pre-school, primary, secondary, higher, universities

3.2 Organizational structure of education in the country (general education system, professional education system, additional education)

3.3 Description of the private education system in the country and the size of the market. Differences from the state, strengths and weaknesses, what is the regulation of private schools